Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Fraud Act 2006 in the UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The Fraud Act 2006 in the UK - Essay Example In the UK, the Fraud Act 2006 came into force during January 2007, and it substituted the deception crimes included in the Theft Acts 1968-1996 with a more general offence of fraud, which can be done in the following ways namely fraud by failing to divulge information, fraud by dishonesty or deceitful representation and fraud by misuse of position and authority. The offence under the Frauds Act 2006 is punishable if charges are proved with a fine or with an imprisonment of ten years or with both. It is punishable by a fine not in excess of the statutory maximum or sentence for a period of not exceeding six months or with both. Under tort of deceit, a person may claim damages if the fraud committed is resulted in injury to the affected party. On the ground of fraudulent misrepresentation, a contract may be voidable if it has been obtained by fraud. (Law & Martin 2009:240). Courts in England have not yet prepared to prescribe exactly what can be regarded as fraud. It is to be noted tha t the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) which was formed on the recommendation of the Roskill Report in 1984 had not taken into account the offence of fraud but recognised on an evocative manner, many fraud crimes which UK’s Home Office employs even today. (Ramage 2005:4). As on date, in UK, there exists no statutory offence of fraud and the Home Office of UK has set out some kind’s criminal activities that can be regarded as offences of fraud in â€Å"Counting Rules for Recording Crime.† According to a publication made by the Home Office in April 2003, describing the following as offences of â€Å"forgery and fraud.† Frauds by an individual include common law offence of conspiracy to defraud, under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, fraudulent misappropriation of funds, obtaining a money transfer through credit card or cheque fraud under section 12 of the Theft Act 1987. (Ramage 2005:104).In Cronos Containers NV v Palatin, the defendants were Klamath Enterprises S A and Mr. and Mrs. Palatin. The shares of Klamath were owned by Mr. Palatin. In 1994, Mr.Palatin deceived the plaintiff by making five different payments from one of the Plaintiff’s clients, and the same was credited into Barclays bank account owned by Paladins. Then, such defrauded sums were employed by the defendants to renovate a property held by Klamath. (Ramage 2005:4). Conspiracy to Defraud Under Common Law It falls under consent to divest deceitfully somebody’s right or to abuse somebody’s property privilege. In Scott v Metropolitan Police Commissioner2, S agreed with workers of a cinema theatre to take copies of cinema screened in that theatre without the approval of the owner with an objective of commercial distribution held to be a conspiracy to defraud under common law. In Wai Yu-Tsang v R3, A acted in concert with bank employees to camouflage in the bank accounts the fact about dishonoring of cheques which the bank had already purchased so as to prev ent a bankruptcy by the bank, and A was held for the guilty of conspiracy to fraud. According to Lord Goff, conspiracy to fraud does not restrict to the notion of divesting somebody with something of value, but it also falls under deceit and fraud and if somebody may be discriminated in any way by the deceit or fraud. (Fionda & Bryant2000:154).  

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Human Capital Development and Productivity Relationship

Human Capital Development and Productivity Relationship ABSTRACT This study examines the relationship between human capital development and productivity. Productivity is the dependent variable while human capital development indicators and gross capital formation are the explanatory variables. Recurrent and capital expenditures on health and education are used as human development indicators. The scope of the study is from1977 to 2003. The Ordinary Least Square method was used to determine this relationship. It has revealed a negative relationship between gross capital formation and productivity. However, human capital development was found to affect productivity significantly. It is therefore advocated to adopt policies that will improve the expenditure on health and education. CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY The issue of human capital development is of great importance in any economy particularly developing economy such as Nigeria. The twentieth century has become the human capital century. People and skills matter, the wealth of a nation is embodied in its people, that is, the working class. Although advanced countries but the poor countries are becoming more aware of the importance of people the advantage countries but the poor countries are becoming more aware of the importance of people the advancement of the economy. This study is therefore of great significance to the world at large. Labor is one of the four factors of production. The others are capital, land and entrepreneur. In the nineteenth century, people were of little importance to industrial giants such as Britain, Germany, France and the United States. However, in the early 1900 attention began to shift to education of people at secondary and higher levels and provision of welfare services such as health services. The Nigerian economy has however failed to move at the pace of other countries in the world. Although effort have been made in the area of human development in the part, there has not been a substantial improvement in the human capital development in the past, there has not been a substantial improvement in the human capital indicators such as education and health. Productivity can be perceived as the output per unit or the efficiency with which resources are utilized. Therefore productivity with respect to human capital development refers to the development of human capital which will lead to efficiency with which resources are utilized and this will increase output. The trend of productivity in Nigeria is one that fluctuates. Productivity in Nigeria compared to that of other countries is very low. Sustained productivity depends on the economys human capital. Human capital can be defined as the skills, knowledge, competencies, and attributes that reside in a worker. Human capital development involves the improvement of a nations human capital through better healthcare, nutrition, accommodation, working environment, education and training. The economies of nations and the world at large is dynamic in nature, it follows that the human resources of these nations should be constantly improved on. That is, training of manpower should be a continuous process in order to meet up with the demands of the world market. Here, the emphasis is placed on education and health. These can also be referred to as indicators of human capital development on productivity. ducation in Nigeria has improved over the years with increased interest in the tertiary institution. However, a closer attention has to be paid to the needs of the educational sector because the quality and level of educational attainment on the productivity of a country. Certain measures have been put in place to improve the quality of education in Nigeria by the Federal government and other agencies. However, these efforts have not brought about the much desired change in the standard of the education in Nigeria. Failure in the educational sector has been accounted for due to some problems. They include; inadequate allocation by the government to education, lack of dedicated teachers, poor political environment, poor implementation of policies and several others. Private organizations have sprung up to resuscitate the educational sector. This is evident through the increase in private schools in the primary, secondary and even the tertiary level. Nigerians have lost confidence in t he ability of the government to provide good education and this has resulted in high patronage of these private institutions by Nigerians who can afford it. This leaves the bulk of Nigerians that cannot afford private education at the mercy of the government funded schools. The government has failed to realize the gravity of what an underdeveloped human capital can do to an economy. The need for more attention to be centered on this aspect is very necessary. The health sector is also faced with similar problems as that of education. Health is a very important factor in human capital development. The state of health of labor affects the level of performance thereby affecting the level of productivity. Government has tried in improving health services by reducing the number of population per doctor, providing more health facilities, hospitals and other required health personnel. However, there is still room for improvement in this aspect. The rural areas of the country have been neglected while the urban areas have been focused on, there is still need to reduce the population per doctor, provide preventive healthcare and take drastic measures to reduce the infant maternal mortality. These discrepancies in education and health of the country have a very significant effect on productivity and hence economic growth. 1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The Nigerian economy has solved several problems facing it. There has been prolonged economic recession followed by the collapse of the world oil market from the early 1980 and fall in the foreign exchange earnings of the country. Other problems include overdependence on imports for consumption and capital goods, lack of adequate social and economic infrastructure and neglect of the agricultural sector. Nigeria is rated to be one of the poorest countries in the world. Putting the countrys economy back on track requires a lot of activities that will advance the economy such as rebuilding the economy and making goods and services available and affordable for every one. This is where the issue of productivity comes in since productivity refers to the level of output of a country. The problem therefore deals with increase in productivity through human capital development so as to increase growth. This study raises questions on how the indicators of human capital development affect productivity. 1.3 SCOPE OF THE STUDY This study covers all sectors of the economy and all countries in the world as the issue of human capital and productivity affects everyone. However, the study is based on the Nigerian economy and all considerations and analysis refers to the Nigerian economy. This study covers the period from 1977 to 2004. 1.4 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The major objective of the study is to determine the relationship between human capital development and productivity in the Nigerian economy through the use of two human capital development indicators; education and health. The specific objectives include: To ascertain the relationship between human capital development and productivity To examine the impact of health on the productivity in the Nigerian economy. To examine the impact of education on productivity in the Nigerian economy. To determine the indicators of human capital development. 1.5 JUSTIFICATION OF THE STUDY This study is relevant to every sector of the economy. This is because every sector of the economy has labor as its most important factor of production. It is therefore of great importance to the industrial, agricultural, mining sector and so on. It gives them more incentive to invest more in their human resources. It is also of great importance to the government who have in their hands the authority and responsibility over important indicators of human capital development. This study will encourage government to increase expenditure on education, health and other areas of the economy that affect productivity. It provides a basis for which investment in health and education will be measured against productivity. This study is therefore of great importance to all sectors of the economy, the government and other stakeholders such as consumers, shareholders and so on. 1.6 RESEARCH QUESTIONS The following questions arise in the course of this study and will subsequently be answered. They include the following; What is the relationship between human capital development and productivity? What is the effect of health on productivity? What is the impact of education on productivity? What are the other factors that lead to the development of human capital? 1.7 HYPOTHESIS OF THE STUDY The following hypotheses hold for this study; H0 : Education has the lowest impact on productivity H1: Education has the greatest impact on productivity. H0: Health has no significant impact on productivity. H1: Health has a significant impact on productivity. H0: There is no significant relationship between human capital development and productivity. H1: There is a significant relationship between human capital development and productivity. 1.8 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The issues to be raised in this research work are both empirical and theoretical. The Ordinary least square method of analyzing data will be used and the results will be interpreted. 1.9 DATA SOURCES Data was obtained from the Central Bank Statistical Bulletin, 2004. 1.1.0 OUTLINE OF CHAPTERS In order to achieve the stated objectives, the project work has been subdivided into five chapters. Chapter one is the introduction which consists of the background, statement of the problem, objectives, justification, hypotheses, scope, research methodology, organization and limitation of the study. Chapter two is devoted to past literature written on the subject matter. Chapter three is the methodological framework and the model specification. Chapter four is presentation, interpretation and empirical analysis of regression results. Chapter five boarders on the summary, recommendation and conclusion of the study. CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 CONCEPT OF HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT Human resources make up the standard or the basis for the wealth of a country. Human resources are the summation of efforts, skills, knowledge and experience available in a country. It is the managerial, scientific, engineering, technical, craftsmen and other skills which are employed in creating, designing, developing organizations, managing and operating productive and service enterprises and economic institutions (Yesufu, 1962). They are a nations most valuable resources. They constitute a nations human capital. Human capital refers to the skills, education, health, and training of individuals. It is capital because these skills or education are an integral part of us that is long-lasting, in the way a machine, plant, or factory lasts ( Gary Becker, 1992). Before the nineteenth century, investment in human capital was not important in any country. Expenditures on schooling, health and other forms of investment were quite small. This began to change during that century with the application of science to the development of new goods and more efficient methods of production, first in Britain, and then gradually spreading to other countries. During this century, education, skills, and other knowledge have become crucial determinants of a persons and a nations productivity. One can even call the twentieth century the Age of Human Capital in the sense that the primary determinant of a countrys standard of living is how well it succeeds in developing and utilizing the skills, knowledge, health, and habits of its population. It has been estimated that human capital-education, on-the-job and other training, and health-comprises about 80 percent of the capital or wealth in the United States and other advanced countries. (Gary Becker 1992). Therefore a country without effective human capital development skills will be lagging behind in the issue of development. The concept of human capital refers to the abilities and skills of human resources of a country, while human capital formation refers to the process of acquiring and increasing the number of persons who have the skills, education and experience that are critical for economic growth and development of a country (Okojie 1995:44). Human capital is so important that in the Khartoum Declaration of 1988, it was asserted that: .the human dimension is the sine qua non of economic recovery .no SAP or economic recovery programme should be formulated or can be implemented without having at its heart detailed social and human priorities. There can be no real structural adjustment or economic recovery in the absence of the human imperative (Adedeji 1990:390). In other words, there cannot be meaningful economic growth without adequate human resources. Human resources development involves the improvement and the transformation of a nations human resources by better medicare, nutrition, accommodation, environment, education and training (Yesufu, 1962) Human capital development can be described as a deliberate effort by Government and people to provide the right number of workers, at the right areas of need and at the right time in an economy that is incentives that will increase the morale of the workers. For example, in Japan, training of human resources is seen as very important in development of the economy. They also provide incentives that boost the morale of the workers. The government is expected to provide policies or programmes that provide the labour needs and a requirement in all sectors of the economy. The existence of a large population does not translate to a productive resource. Human resources can only be productive due to effort made by the government and the private organisations in developing human resources. Human beings become productive resource or human capital only when they are able and in a position to contribute meaningfully to productive economic activities. They have to be trained to become agents of p roduction and economic activities. Without training they remain passive, potential and inactive as other factors of production. Human beings can be fashioned to lead useful and happy lives and contribute to societal development by the development of their characters and potential abilities through education, training, health services and so on conducted over a long period of years. The enterprise of human capital development therefore is the impartibility of knowledge and skills to human beings through education and training for productive as well as consumptive ends (U.O Anyanwu). Education is only one form of investment in human beings. Others include expenditure on medical care, migration to more prosperous regions, information about job opportunities and career prospects and choice of jobs with higher training contents. Human capital development is a form of investment with expected economic as well as social returns not only to the individual investor and his family but also the society at large. The economy, with time, begins to experience growth, while the beneficiary acquires the opportunity to contribute to and secure qualitative live by being able to make the right choices and command higher earnings profile. Consequently human capital development has been seen as the ultimate concern of all types of development-economic, social, cultural, political, etc. Capacity building or human capital development responds to a wide-range of questions such as what people are able to be or do, the issues longevity, health and mind development, their inalienable fundamental human rights to freedom of choice, speech, association, political, economic, social and other needs and ability to escape from avoidable diseases, malnourishment and illiteracy (HDR Nigeria 1996). Human Development Report (1996) maintains that sustainability of human capacity building is the essential component of the ethics of universalism of life, stressing that it is a matter of sharing development opportunities between all classes and groups of people between the rich and the poor, between the present and future generations. It is of the view that sustainability demands what it calls intra-generational and inter-generational equity (HRD Nigeria 1996). Capacity building or HRD has other associated benefits and returns. (Umo 1995) has itemized other crucial contributions of human capital to development in general to include; the generalized capacity to absorb economic shocks as well as cope with the complexities of modern development; creating a corps of well informed citizenry with positive attitude to national development, providing persons for technology base needed for industrialization; 2.2 CONCEPT OF PRODUCTIVITY The most widely accepted definition of productivity is that it is the ratio of inputs to output. This definition enjoys general acceptability because of two related considerations. One, the definition what productivity is thought of to be in the context of an enterprise, an industry or an economy as a whole. Two, regardless of the type of production, economic or political system, this definition of productivity remains the same as long as the basic concept is the relationship between the quantity and quality of goods and services produced and the quality of resources used to produce them. Eatwell and Newman (1991) defined productivity as a ratio of some measure of output to some index of input use. Put differently, productivity is nothing more than the arithmetic ratio between the amount produced and the amount of any resources used to produce them. This conception of productivity goes to imply that it can indeed be perceived as the output per unit input or the efficiency with which resources are used. Olaoye (1985) observed that productivity as a concept can assume two dimensions: namely total factor productivity (TFP) and partial productivity. The former relates to productivity that is defined as the relationship between outputs Growth in productivity provides a significant basis for adequate supply of goods and services thereby improving the welfare of the people and enhancing social progress (Mike Obadan). Demburg (1985) said without productivity there would be no growth in per capita income and inflation control would be more difficult. A country with high productivity is often known for high capacity utilization (optimal use of resources), high standard of living, low rate of unemployment and social progress. Productivity measures the relationship between quantitative and qualitative value of goods and services produced and the quantity of resources needed to produce them (that is, factor inputs such as labour, capital, technology) (Sumbeye, 1992; Okojie 1995; Roberts and Tybout 1997). Mali (1978) defines it as the measure of how resources are brought together in organisations and utilized for accomplishing a set of results. It is reaching the highest level of performance with the least use of resources. In this definition, the issue of efficiency is being referred to. Increased productivity will involve the use of less resources and an outcome of more output. Roberts and Tybout (1997) and Tybout (1992), assuming a neoclassical production function at the sectoral or industry , define total factor output to be a concave of inputs and time (a proxy for technological innovation). To them, the elasticity of output with respect to time is the total factor productivity. TFP = Total output / Weighted average of all inputs..1 The factor inputs include labour, capital, raw material and purchase of spare parts and so on. In a particular sense, these factors are reduced to the weighted average of labour and capital (Okojie, 1995; Roberts and Tybout, 1997). Partial productivity (PP) is defined as: PP = Total output / partial input.2 According to T. M.Yesufu, labour productivity refers to the output result of workers organised within a given economic unit or enterprise. Yesufu outlined the three basic deficiencies associated with the use of labour productivity. They include the following; the term labour as generally conceived , is ambiguous and far from inclusive. It excludes some very important categories of human inputs, especially management, marketing, accounting and the white collar workers generally, who are not directly on the production line. even the acknowledged workforce generally used for labour productivity measurement(the blue coated production line- skilled and unskilled labour) as far from homogenous, which complicates the allocation of output between the constituent classes; for example , adult and child labour; male-female, artisan, technician, etc. the output of an enterprise itself usually varies in terms of type , material inputs, labour mixes, sizes of unit products, etc., that are not easily dis-aggregated. Due to these shortcomings of the use of labour productivity some economists prefer to use total factor productivity as it is said to be superior and more acceptable for purposes of determining enterprise or macroeconomic performance. Partial productivity is particularly used for analytical purposes, to test the relative efficiency of, or returns to, various forms of inputs, and to check, for example, the effect on marginal productivity an increase or reduction of a particular type of input. 2.2.1 The Traditional Concept of Productivity The traditional concept of productivity focuses on the efficiency in the production or delivery process. In this wise, the focus is merely on the ratio of output to inputs. Thus, productivity is measured as the amount of output per unit of inputs. Since the emphasis was more generally on labour productivity, the measure was often the amount of output per worker working for one hour. This traditional approach implies a simple Mathematical relationship so that productivity improvement means producing more with less or the same amount of inputs; or sustaining the same level of output with less input. This traditional view derives from the economic logic of cost minimisation. One implication of this approach is that traditional productivity improvement schemes tend to focus on how to reduce inputs employed and improve the skills of the workers they retain. Workers lay-offs, while seeking to maintain the same levels of output with the reduced work force became popular at enterprise levels. The present policy of the Federal Government to reduce the work force in the public service is as a result of this traditional logic. 2.2.2 New Emerging Concept of Productivity Globalisation and the new forms of competition which it has brought about, however, today require us to focus on a much broader concept of productivity. Likewise, we need to appreciate more fully the changing dynamics of the factors involved in the process of productivity improvement. As a recent analysis points out, increased competitiveness, the increased complexity of markets, the globalisation of manufacturing and the increased concern about social and ecological issues make productivity improvement more important at the same time that the need for a broader meaning of productivity is required. Thus, the focus today is increasingly on total factor productivity and the process of its improvement involves improving the overall business environment. This involves the promotion of better labour-management relations, continuous improvement in products and processes, enhancement of the quality of work life and continuous development of the human resource. In this new conception, the emphasis of the direction to productivity improvement is on increased added value creation, rather than the minimisation of labour inputs. Emphasis has also been brought to bear on the distribution of the benefits of productivity improvement among all stakeholders (workers, employers, consumers). Productivity is not seen any more just as the physical increase in output, but also as the improvement in the quality and value or acceptability of the product or service. Thus, productivity is not just an efficiency concept any more, but equally an effectiveness concept. In an increasingly globalized world, productivity improvement does not just involve the efficient production of products or services, but of products and services that are needed and demanded and bought by very discerning customers. Customer orientation is increasingly in the fore and quality is now an important index of performance. Productivity is becoming identical with quality. 2.3 DETERMINANTS OF PRODUCTIVITY A number of factors affect productivity. Major among these are the complementing factors of production as well as technology/innovation, institutional backup, worker motivation, the quality of labour, environment, etc( U.O. Anyanwu). To discover the effect of each of the cooperating factors on productivity, we have to go into a theoretical world where we can hold other things constant while varying each of these factors one after the other. Here, we are still relying on the theory of diminishing marginal productivity which states that if increasing amounts of a variable factor, say labour, is applied to a fixed amount of other factors (e.g. land, capital, materials etc.), given the level of technology then beyond a certain number the extra or marginal product of the variable factor begins to fall down or diminish (Todaro 1985) However, in a real world all the factors impact productivity simultaneously. (a) Land, A Factor of Labour Productivity Growth Land can affect productivity both quantitatively and qualitatively. If land is identified as the limiting factor of labour productivity more arable land can be brought under cultivation to relax the land constraint. In this regard a number of forest reserves have, for this purpose, to be deforested. The quality of land can be improved through the application of manure and fertilizer, which also increases the yield per hectare. Other methods of farming that make for more yields per hectare of land such as improved seed and grain varieties have been adopted by modern farmers. New land policies that alter tenure ship and ownership are devices for relaxing land constraints and improving productivity. (b) Capital Accumulation and Labour Productivity. If identified low labour productivity is attributable to lack of capital, capital can be raised through the mobilization of domestic and foreign investment. Acquisition of new factories, equipment, and machinery will lead to increases in productivity and output per capita of the nation. The Nigerian Governments are committed to the attraction of foreign investments to, among others; improve the capital base of the country. However, while the efforts are being made to cover the need for further capital, installed capital such as the Liquefied Natural Gas Project, Petrochemical plants, Refineries and Iron and Steel factories, among others need revitalization if our productivity is to increase. Investment in social and economic infrastructure gives a significant effect to productivity such as roads, electricity, water, sanitation, communication for the facilitation of economic activities. Road networks are needed to bring the additional product to areas of need, while electricity, water, communication, all play very dominant roles in bringing about the additional product and service arising from the new investment. Dams, irrigation facilities, bridges and road extensions to interior areas all raise product per hectares of cultivated land. Use of chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides, etc. is part of the capital needed enhanced productivity because by raising value of the farm land, productivity is also being improved. (c)Technology/Innovation and Productivity Most economists regard technology/innovation as the most important source of growth. Technology is being seen as a new and improved ways of achieving or performing traditional tasks. Technology can be neutral, labour or capital intensive. Technology is said to be labour and capital neutral when higher output levels are achievable using the same quantity and combinations of factor inputs in a production process. Simple innovations such as re-distribution of labour can result in higher output levels, too. On the other hand, technology may be capital intensive or labour intensive if higher levels of output are possible, with more capital or more labour. Use of simple implements such as those of cottage and small scale industries are said to be labour intensive while those such as electronic computers, automated textile looms, mechanical ploughs, tractors display capital intensity (Todaro 1985). In industrialized countries where unit cost of labour is very high and expensive technology choice favors one that is capital intensive or labour saving, while in developing countries such as Nigeria where there is abundance of labour and scarcity of capital, choice of technology gravitates towards those that are labour intensive, and capital saving. There is the fourth aspect of technology called labour or capital augmentation technology. The quality or skill of labour can be augmented by the use of, for example, videotapes, televisions and other electronic communication devices while capital augmentation is said to occur when productivity can be enhanced by the use of existing capital goods for instance iron types etc can replace wooden hoes. Today hybrid products such as cassava, rice, etc that give higher yield per hectare are being developed through technological augmentation. (d) Labour Force Growth and Labour Productivity. Labour Force growth an important part of the population growth stimulates economic growth and productivity growth particularly when growth has not attained its optimum level. A large labour force, all things being equal, means a large population and the latter is potentially a large domestic market, and if well endowed, empowered and developed, a great international market, too. However, much depends obviously on the capacity of the economic system to productively employ the additional workers arising from the population/labour force growth. Again this will equally depend on the rate and kinds of capital accumulation and the availability of related factors such as managerial and administrative skills and competence the level of commitment of the political administration. 2.4 IMPACT OF HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT ON LABOUR PRODUCTIVTY Human Capital Development enhances labour productivity and the productive capacity of the economy. Employers regard the qualification arising from capacity building, as a reliable indication of personal ability, achievement drive reasoning for instance that, a graduate must make a better salesman than a man who had never met the Human Capital Development and Productivity Relationship Human Capital Development and Productivity Relationship ABSTRACT This study examines the relationship between human capital development and productivity. Productivity is the dependent variable while human capital development indicators and gross capital formation are the explanatory variables. Recurrent and capital expenditures on health and education are used as human development indicators. The scope of the study is from1977 to 2003. The Ordinary Least Square method was used to determine this relationship. It has revealed a negative relationship between gross capital formation and productivity. However, human capital development was found to affect productivity significantly. It is therefore advocated to adopt policies that will improve the expenditure on health and education. CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY The issue of human capital development is of great importance in any economy particularly developing economy such as Nigeria. The twentieth century has become the human capital century. People and skills matter, the wealth of a nation is embodied in its people, that is, the working class. Although advanced countries but the poor countries are becoming more aware of the importance of people the advantage countries but the poor countries are becoming more aware of the importance of people the advancement of the economy. This study is therefore of great significance to the world at large. Labor is one of the four factors of production. The others are capital, land and entrepreneur. In the nineteenth century, people were of little importance to industrial giants such as Britain, Germany, France and the United States. However, in the early 1900 attention began to shift to education of people at secondary and higher levels and provision of welfare services such as health services. The Nigerian economy has however failed to move at the pace of other countries in the world. Although effort have been made in the area of human development in the part, there has not been a substantial improvement in the human capital development in the past, there has not been a substantial improvement in the human capital indicators such as education and health. Productivity can be perceived as the output per unit or the efficiency with which resources are utilized. Therefore productivity with respect to human capital development refers to the development of human capital which will lead to efficiency with which resources are utilized and this will increase output. The trend of productivity in Nigeria is one that fluctuates. Productivity in Nigeria compared to that of other countries is very low. Sustained productivity depends on the economys human capital. Human capital can be defined as the skills, knowledge, competencies, and attributes that reside in a worker. Human capital development involves the improvement of a nations human capital through better healthcare, nutrition, accommodation, working environment, education and training. The economies of nations and the world at large is dynamic in nature, it follows that the human resources of these nations should be constantly improved on. That is, training of manpower should be a continuous process in order to meet up with the demands of the world market. Here, the emphasis is placed on education and health. These can also be referred to as indicators of human capital development on productivity. ducation in Nigeria has improved over the years with increased interest in the tertiary institution. However, a closer attention has to be paid to the needs of the educational sector because the quality and level of educational attainment on the productivity of a country. Certain measures have been put in place to improve the quality of education in Nigeria by the Federal government and other agencies. However, these efforts have not brought about the much desired change in the standard of the education in Nigeria. Failure in the educational sector has been accounted for due to some problems. They include; inadequate allocation by the government to education, lack of dedicated teachers, poor political environment, poor implementation of policies and several others. Private organizations have sprung up to resuscitate the educational sector. This is evident through the increase in private schools in the primary, secondary and even the tertiary level. Nigerians have lost confidence in t he ability of the government to provide good education and this has resulted in high patronage of these private institutions by Nigerians who can afford it. This leaves the bulk of Nigerians that cannot afford private education at the mercy of the government funded schools. The government has failed to realize the gravity of what an underdeveloped human capital can do to an economy. The need for more attention to be centered on this aspect is very necessary. The health sector is also faced with similar problems as that of education. Health is a very important factor in human capital development. The state of health of labor affects the level of performance thereby affecting the level of productivity. Government has tried in improving health services by reducing the number of population per doctor, providing more health facilities, hospitals and other required health personnel. However, there is still room for improvement in this aspect. The rural areas of the country have been neglected while the urban areas have been focused on, there is still need to reduce the population per doctor, provide preventive healthcare and take drastic measures to reduce the infant maternal mortality. These discrepancies in education and health of the country have a very significant effect on productivity and hence economic growth. 1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The Nigerian economy has solved several problems facing it. There has been prolonged economic recession followed by the collapse of the world oil market from the early 1980 and fall in the foreign exchange earnings of the country. Other problems include overdependence on imports for consumption and capital goods, lack of adequate social and economic infrastructure and neglect of the agricultural sector. Nigeria is rated to be one of the poorest countries in the world. Putting the countrys economy back on track requires a lot of activities that will advance the economy such as rebuilding the economy and making goods and services available and affordable for every one. This is where the issue of productivity comes in since productivity refers to the level of output of a country. The problem therefore deals with increase in productivity through human capital development so as to increase growth. This study raises questions on how the indicators of human capital development affect productivity. 1.3 SCOPE OF THE STUDY This study covers all sectors of the economy and all countries in the world as the issue of human capital and productivity affects everyone. However, the study is based on the Nigerian economy and all considerations and analysis refers to the Nigerian economy. This study covers the period from 1977 to 2004. 1.4 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The major objective of the study is to determine the relationship between human capital development and productivity in the Nigerian economy through the use of two human capital development indicators; education and health. The specific objectives include: To ascertain the relationship between human capital development and productivity To examine the impact of health on the productivity in the Nigerian economy. To examine the impact of education on productivity in the Nigerian economy. To determine the indicators of human capital development. 1.5 JUSTIFICATION OF THE STUDY This study is relevant to every sector of the economy. This is because every sector of the economy has labor as its most important factor of production. It is therefore of great importance to the industrial, agricultural, mining sector and so on. It gives them more incentive to invest more in their human resources. It is also of great importance to the government who have in their hands the authority and responsibility over important indicators of human capital development. This study will encourage government to increase expenditure on education, health and other areas of the economy that affect productivity. It provides a basis for which investment in health and education will be measured against productivity. This study is therefore of great importance to all sectors of the economy, the government and other stakeholders such as consumers, shareholders and so on. 1.6 RESEARCH QUESTIONS The following questions arise in the course of this study and will subsequently be answered. They include the following; What is the relationship between human capital development and productivity? What is the effect of health on productivity? What is the impact of education on productivity? What are the other factors that lead to the development of human capital? 1.7 HYPOTHESIS OF THE STUDY The following hypotheses hold for this study; H0 : Education has the lowest impact on productivity H1: Education has the greatest impact on productivity. H0: Health has no significant impact on productivity. H1: Health has a significant impact on productivity. H0: There is no significant relationship between human capital development and productivity. H1: There is a significant relationship between human capital development and productivity. 1.8 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The issues to be raised in this research work are both empirical and theoretical. The Ordinary least square method of analyzing data will be used and the results will be interpreted. 1.9 DATA SOURCES Data was obtained from the Central Bank Statistical Bulletin, 2004. 1.1.0 OUTLINE OF CHAPTERS In order to achieve the stated objectives, the project work has been subdivided into five chapters. Chapter one is the introduction which consists of the background, statement of the problem, objectives, justification, hypotheses, scope, research methodology, organization and limitation of the study. Chapter two is devoted to past literature written on the subject matter. Chapter three is the methodological framework and the model specification. Chapter four is presentation, interpretation and empirical analysis of regression results. Chapter five boarders on the summary, recommendation and conclusion of the study. CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 CONCEPT OF HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT Human resources make up the standard or the basis for the wealth of a country. Human resources are the summation of efforts, skills, knowledge and experience available in a country. It is the managerial, scientific, engineering, technical, craftsmen and other skills which are employed in creating, designing, developing organizations, managing and operating productive and service enterprises and economic institutions (Yesufu, 1962). They are a nations most valuable resources. They constitute a nations human capital. Human capital refers to the skills, education, health, and training of individuals. It is capital because these skills or education are an integral part of us that is long-lasting, in the way a machine, plant, or factory lasts ( Gary Becker, 1992). Before the nineteenth century, investment in human capital was not important in any country. Expenditures on schooling, health and other forms of investment were quite small. This began to change during that century with the application of science to the development of new goods and more efficient methods of production, first in Britain, and then gradually spreading to other countries. During this century, education, skills, and other knowledge have become crucial determinants of a persons and a nations productivity. One can even call the twentieth century the Age of Human Capital in the sense that the primary determinant of a countrys standard of living is how well it succeeds in developing and utilizing the skills, knowledge, health, and habits of its population. It has been estimated that human capital-education, on-the-job and other training, and health-comprises about 80 percent of the capital or wealth in the United States and other advanced countries. (Gary Becker 1992). Therefore a country without effective human capital development skills will be lagging behind in the issue of development. The concept of human capital refers to the abilities and skills of human resources of a country, while human capital formation refers to the process of acquiring and increasing the number of persons who have the skills, education and experience that are critical for economic growth and development of a country (Okojie 1995:44). Human capital is so important that in the Khartoum Declaration of 1988, it was asserted that: .the human dimension is the sine qua non of economic recovery .no SAP or economic recovery programme should be formulated or can be implemented without having at its heart detailed social and human priorities. There can be no real structural adjustment or economic recovery in the absence of the human imperative (Adedeji 1990:390). In other words, there cannot be meaningful economic growth without adequate human resources. Human resources development involves the improvement and the transformation of a nations human resources by better medicare, nutrition, accommodation, environment, education and training (Yesufu, 1962) Human capital development can be described as a deliberate effort by Government and people to provide the right number of workers, at the right areas of need and at the right time in an economy that is incentives that will increase the morale of the workers. For example, in Japan, training of human resources is seen as very important in development of the economy. They also provide incentives that boost the morale of the workers. The government is expected to provide policies or programmes that provide the labour needs and a requirement in all sectors of the economy. The existence of a large population does not translate to a productive resource. Human resources can only be productive due to effort made by the government and the private organisations in developing human resources. Human beings become productive resource or human capital only when they are able and in a position to contribute meaningfully to productive economic activities. They have to be trained to become agents of p roduction and economic activities. Without training they remain passive, potential and inactive as other factors of production. Human beings can be fashioned to lead useful and happy lives and contribute to societal development by the development of their characters and potential abilities through education, training, health services and so on conducted over a long period of years. The enterprise of human capital development therefore is the impartibility of knowledge and skills to human beings through education and training for productive as well as consumptive ends (U.O Anyanwu). Education is only one form of investment in human beings. Others include expenditure on medical care, migration to more prosperous regions, information about job opportunities and career prospects and choice of jobs with higher training contents. Human capital development is a form of investment with expected economic as well as social returns not only to the individual investor and his family but also the society at large. The economy, with time, begins to experience growth, while the beneficiary acquires the opportunity to contribute to and secure qualitative live by being able to make the right choices and command higher earnings profile. Consequently human capital development has been seen as the ultimate concern of all types of development-economic, social, cultural, political, etc. Capacity building or human capital development responds to a wide-range of questions such as what people are able to be or do, the issues longevity, health and mind development, their inalienable fundamental human rights to freedom of choice, speech, association, political, economic, social and other needs and ability to escape from avoidable diseases, malnourishment and illiteracy (HDR Nigeria 1996). Human Development Report (1996) maintains that sustainability of human capacity building is the essential component of the ethics of universalism of life, stressing that it is a matter of sharing development opportunities between all classes and groups of people between the rich and the poor, between the present and future generations. It is of the view that sustainability demands what it calls intra-generational and inter-generational equity (HRD Nigeria 1996). Capacity building or HRD has other associated benefits and returns. (Umo 1995) has itemized other crucial contributions of human capital to development in general to include; the generalized capacity to absorb economic shocks as well as cope with the complexities of modern development; creating a corps of well informed citizenry with positive attitude to national development, providing persons for technology base needed for industrialization; 2.2 CONCEPT OF PRODUCTIVITY The most widely accepted definition of productivity is that it is the ratio of inputs to output. This definition enjoys general acceptability because of two related considerations. One, the definition what productivity is thought of to be in the context of an enterprise, an industry or an economy as a whole. Two, regardless of the type of production, economic or political system, this definition of productivity remains the same as long as the basic concept is the relationship between the quantity and quality of goods and services produced and the quality of resources used to produce them. Eatwell and Newman (1991) defined productivity as a ratio of some measure of output to some index of input use. Put differently, productivity is nothing more than the arithmetic ratio between the amount produced and the amount of any resources used to produce them. This conception of productivity goes to imply that it can indeed be perceived as the output per unit input or the efficiency with which resources are used. Olaoye (1985) observed that productivity as a concept can assume two dimensions: namely total factor productivity (TFP) and partial productivity. The former relates to productivity that is defined as the relationship between outputs Growth in productivity provides a significant basis for adequate supply of goods and services thereby improving the welfare of the people and enhancing social progress (Mike Obadan). Demburg (1985) said without productivity there would be no growth in per capita income and inflation control would be more difficult. A country with high productivity is often known for high capacity utilization (optimal use of resources), high standard of living, low rate of unemployment and social progress. Productivity measures the relationship between quantitative and qualitative value of goods and services produced and the quantity of resources needed to produce them (that is, factor inputs such as labour, capital, technology) (Sumbeye, 1992; Okojie 1995; Roberts and Tybout 1997). Mali (1978) defines it as the measure of how resources are brought together in organisations and utilized for accomplishing a set of results. It is reaching the highest level of performance with the least use of resources. In this definition, the issue of efficiency is being referred to. Increased productivity will involve the use of less resources and an outcome of more output. Roberts and Tybout (1997) and Tybout (1992), assuming a neoclassical production function at the sectoral or industry , define total factor output to be a concave of inputs and time (a proxy for technological innovation). To them, the elasticity of output with respect to time is the total factor productivity. TFP = Total output / Weighted average of all inputs..1 The factor inputs include labour, capital, raw material and purchase of spare parts and so on. In a particular sense, these factors are reduced to the weighted average of labour and capital (Okojie, 1995; Roberts and Tybout, 1997). Partial productivity (PP) is defined as: PP = Total output / partial input.2 According to T. M.Yesufu, labour productivity refers to the output result of workers organised within a given economic unit or enterprise. Yesufu outlined the three basic deficiencies associated with the use of labour productivity. They include the following; the term labour as generally conceived , is ambiguous and far from inclusive. It excludes some very important categories of human inputs, especially management, marketing, accounting and the white collar workers generally, who are not directly on the production line. even the acknowledged workforce generally used for labour productivity measurement(the blue coated production line- skilled and unskilled labour) as far from homogenous, which complicates the allocation of output between the constituent classes; for example , adult and child labour; male-female, artisan, technician, etc. the output of an enterprise itself usually varies in terms of type , material inputs, labour mixes, sizes of unit products, etc., that are not easily dis-aggregated. Due to these shortcomings of the use of labour productivity some economists prefer to use total factor productivity as it is said to be superior and more acceptable for purposes of determining enterprise or macroeconomic performance. Partial productivity is particularly used for analytical purposes, to test the relative efficiency of, or returns to, various forms of inputs, and to check, for example, the effect on marginal productivity an increase or reduction of a particular type of input. 2.2.1 The Traditional Concept of Productivity The traditional concept of productivity focuses on the efficiency in the production or delivery process. In this wise, the focus is merely on the ratio of output to inputs. Thus, productivity is measured as the amount of output per unit of inputs. Since the emphasis was more generally on labour productivity, the measure was often the amount of output per worker working for one hour. This traditional approach implies a simple Mathematical relationship so that productivity improvement means producing more with less or the same amount of inputs; or sustaining the same level of output with less input. This traditional view derives from the economic logic of cost minimisation. One implication of this approach is that traditional productivity improvement schemes tend to focus on how to reduce inputs employed and improve the skills of the workers they retain. Workers lay-offs, while seeking to maintain the same levels of output with the reduced work force became popular at enterprise levels. The present policy of the Federal Government to reduce the work force in the public service is as a result of this traditional logic. 2.2.2 New Emerging Concept of Productivity Globalisation and the new forms of competition which it has brought about, however, today require us to focus on a much broader concept of productivity. Likewise, we need to appreciate more fully the changing dynamics of the factors involved in the process of productivity improvement. As a recent analysis points out, increased competitiveness, the increased complexity of markets, the globalisation of manufacturing and the increased concern about social and ecological issues make productivity improvement more important at the same time that the need for a broader meaning of productivity is required. Thus, the focus today is increasingly on total factor productivity and the process of its improvement involves improving the overall business environment. This involves the promotion of better labour-management relations, continuous improvement in products and processes, enhancement of the quality of work life and continuous development of the human resource. In this new conception, the emphasis of the direction to productivity improvement is on increased added value creation, rather than the minimisation of labour inputs. Emphasis has also been brought to bear on the distribution of the benefits of productivity improvement among all stakeholders (workers, employers, consumers). Productivity is not seen any more just as the physical increase in output, but also as the improvement in the quality and value or acceptability of the product or service. Thus, productivity is not just an efficiency concept any more, but equally an effectiveness concept. In an increasingly globalized world, productivity improvement does not just involve the efficient production of products or services, but of products and services that are needed and demanded and bought by very discerning customers. Customer orientation is increasingly in the fore and quality is now an important index of performance. Productivity is becoming identical with quality. 2.3 DETERMINANTS OF PRODUCTIVITY A number of factors affect productivity. Major among these are the complementing factors of production as well as technology/innovation, institutional backup, worker motivation, the quality of labour, environment, etc( U.O. Anyanwu). To discover the effect of each of the cooperating factors on productivity, we have to go into a theoretical world where we can hold other things constant while varying each of these factors one after the other. Here, we are still relying on the theory of diminishing marginal productivity which states that if increasing amounts of a variable factor, say labour, is applied to a fixed amount of other factors (e.g. land, capital, materials etc.), given the level of technology then beyond a certain number the extra or marginal product of the variable factor begins to fall down or diminish (Todaro 1985) However, in a real world all the factors impact productivity simultaneously. (a) Land, A Factor of Labour Productivity Growth Land can affect productivity both quantitatively and qualitatively. If land is identified as the limiting factor of labour productivity more arable land can be brought under cultivation to relax the land constraint. In this regard a number of forest reserves have, for this purpose, to be deforested. The quality of land can be improved through the application of manure and fertilizer, which also increases the yield per hectare. Other methods of farming that make for more yields per hectare of land such as improved seed and grain varieties have been adopted by modern farmers. New land policies that alter tenure ship and ownership are devices for relaxing land constraints and improving productivity. (b) Capital Accumulation and Labour Productivity. If identified low labour productivity is attributable to lack of capital, capital can be raised through the mobilization of domestic and foreign investment. Acquisition of new factories, equipment, and machinery will lead to increases in productivity and output per capita of the nation. The Nigerian Governments are committed to the attraction of foreign investments to, among others; improve the capital base of the country. However, while the efforts are being made to cover the need for further capital, installed capital such as the Liquefied Natural Gas Project, Petrochemical plants, Refineries and Iron and Steel factories, among others need revitalization if our productivity is to increase. Investment in social and economic infrastructure gives a significant effect to productivity such as roads, electricity, water, sanitation, communication for the facilitation of economic activities. Road networks are needed to bring the additional product to areas of need, while electricity, water, communication, all play very dominant roles in bringing about the additional product and service arising from the new investment. Dams, irrigation facilities, bridges and road extensions to interior areas all raise product per hectares of cultivated land. Use of chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides, etc. is part of the capital needed enhanced productivity because by raising value of the farm land, productivity is also being improved. (c)Technology/Innovation and Productivity Most economists regard technology/innovation as the most important source of growth. Technology is being seen as a new and improved ways of achieving or performing traditional tasks. Technology can be neutral, labour or capital intensive. Technology is said to be labour and capital neutral when higher output levels are achievable using the same quantity and combinations of factor inputs in a production process. Simple innovations such as re-distribution of labour can result in higher output levels, too. On the other hand, technology may be capital intensive or labour intensive if higher levels of output are possible, with more capital or more labour. Use of simple implements such as those of cottage and small scale industries are said to be labour intensive while those such as electronic computers, automated textile looms, mechanical ploughs, tractors display capital intensity (Todaro 1985). In industrialized countries where unit cost of labour is very high and expensive technology choice favors one that is capital intensive or labour saving, while in developing countries such as Nigeria where there is abundance of labour and scarcity of capital, choice of technology gravitates towards those that are labour intensive, and capital saving. There is the fourth aspect of technology called labour or capital augmentation technology. The quality or skill of labour can be augmented by the use of, for example, videotapes, televisions and other electronic communication devices while capital augmentation is said to occur when productivity can be enhanced by the use of existing capital goods for instance iron types etc can replace wooden hoes. Today hybrid products such as cassava, rice, etc that give higher yield per hectare are being developed through technological augmentation. (d) Labour Force Growth and Labour Productivity. Labour Force growth an important part of the population growth stimulates economic growth and productivity growth particularly when growth has not attained its optimum level. A large labour force, all things being equal, means a large population and the latter is potentially a large domestic market, and if well endowed, empowered and developed, a great international market, too. However, much depends obviously on the capacity of the economic system to productively employ the additional workers arising from the population/labour force growth. Again this will equally depend on the rate and kinds of capital accumulation and the availability of related factors such as managerial and administrative skills and competence the level of commitment of the political administration. 2.4 IMPACT OF HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT ON LABOUR PRODUCTIVTY Human Capital Development enhances labour productivity and the productive capacity of the economy. Employers regard the qualification arising from capacity building, as a reliable indication of personal ability, achievement drive reasoning for instance that, a graduate must make a better salesman than a man who had never met the

Friday, October 25, 2019

Althea Gibson :: Biography Biographies

Althea Gibson As we look at our past, we are better able to see the positive advances that we have made. One of the greatest obsticles that we have overcome is the barrier of race. Over the last several decades African Americans have had a huge impact on many areas of society such as politics, educatoin and most definately athletics. On August 27, 1927, Althea Gibson was born. She did not enter the world to a life of glamor. From the beginning, her life was a tough one. Her family resided in Harlem during the 1930’s and 40;s. Times were very difficult for the young girl. Her family was on welfare and she, herself was a client of the society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Because of home life traumas, Althea frequently skipped school. The times that she did go, she struggled though the day. While she was growing up, she also ran away from home numerous times. As any young child would do, Althea searched for an outlet from the everyday hardships of school and home life. This is where she discovered tennis. It all began at local recreation programs where she took up table tennis, or ping pong. Althea had talent right from the beginning. She realized that she, a girl who’s life had been nothing but rough roads and abrupt turns, could be good at something. As she continued to gain interest as well as perfect her table tennis skills, Althea began to compete, and win several local tournaments. Because of these victories,Althea began to get noticed. One man, a musician by the name of Buddy Walker, saw Althea play one day and had a revolation. He figured that if Althea was so good at table tennis, then she would excel in regular tennis as well. At the time, no one realized just how beneficial this idea would be for the young Harlem girl, Althea Gibson. Through donations raised to pay for her membership and lessons, Althea became a member of an African American club called the Harlem Cosmopolitian Tennis Club. It was here that she aquired the skills needed to compete in tennis matches at a higher, more competative level. At the time that Althea was emerging as a recognized tennis player, African American’s opportunities were somewhat limitied. One organization called the American Tennis Association provided tounament opportunities for African American tennis players. In 1942, Althea Gibson had her first landmark Althea Gibson :: Biography Biographies Althea Gibson As we look at our past, we are better able to see the positive advances that we have made. One of the greatest obsticles that we have overcome is the barrier of race. Over the last several decades African Americans have had a huge impact on many areas of society such as politics, educatoin and most definately athletics. On August 27, 1927, Althea Gibson was born. She did not enter the world to a life of glamor. From the beginning, her life was a tough one. Her family resided in Harlem during the 1930’s and 40;s. Times were very difficult for the young girl. Her family was on welfare and she, herself was a client of the society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Because of home life traumas, Althea frequently skipped school. The times that she did go, she struggled though the day. While she was growing up, she also ran away from home numerous times. As any young child would do, Althea searched for an outlet from the everyday hardships of school and home life. This is where she discovered tennis. It all began at local recreation programs where she took up table tennis, or ping pong. Althea had talent right from the beginning. She realized that she, a girl who’s life had been nothing but rough roads and abrupt turns, could be good at something. As she continued to gain interest as well as perfect her table tennis skills, Althea began to compete, and win several local tournaments. Because of these victories,Althea began to get noticed. One man, a musician by the name of Buddy Walker, saw Althea play one day and had a revolation. He figured that if Althea was so good at table tennis, then she would excel in regular tennis as well. At the time, no one realized just how beneficial this idea would be for the young Harlem girl, Althea Gibson. Through donations raised to pay for her membership and lessons, Althea became a member of an African American club called the Harlem Cosmopolitian Tennis Club. It was here that she aquired the skills needed to compete in tennis matches at a higher, more competative level. At the time that Althea was emerging as a recognized tennis player, African American’s opportunities were somewhat limitied. One organization called the American Tennis Association provided tounament opportunities for African American tennis players. In 1942, Althea Gibson had her first landmark

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Conflict Analysis Essay

Conflict is a difference, a disagreement or clash between ideas, principles or people. In conflict management there are issues that center on interpersonal conflict. This type of conflict is a disagreement between individuals that are connected and explains how what one person does has an impact or effect of the other. 1A PERSONS INVOLVED Sheila (my assistant for 14 years) Valerie (hired as Customer Community Relations Representative) The relationship between these two individuals was great; for 2 years they commonly worked on events together and wouldn’t perceive them as interfering on each other’s turf. Sometimes their workloads would overlap but they were able to work together and get them completed. These two individuals would both work in the same space while engaging in small talk. They often spoke about things each had in common with the other such as their faith, volunteer work, school functions and goals. They acted as though they had never worked together. !B CONFLICT SCENE On Feb. 10th I had the opportunity to facilitate a group session of 11 managers at our main office from 3-5pm to discuss people issues. Sheila attended as usually to work the power Point. At the end of the session most of the people who attended wanted copies of the power Point, however if we just printed the power point it would be in black and white. Therefore, Sheila said quote† Simone I need to use the front desk computer to print in color is that O.K.?† I responded â€Å"Yes†. During the time Sheila used the computer the people that attended the centralized people meeting  was sitting down waiting for their rides. I’m in the conference room packing up while Sheila is getting color printed copies for everyone. This wasn’t something that was planned because it was a holiday. Sheila and I were supposed to be the only two staff in the office at that time. Ms. Valerie dropped by to pick up some papers from the conference room and says to me Quote† I could have done that presentation for you†. I responded† Really, I didn’t think of that because I’ve always used Sheila assist me. Ms. Valerie then left the room. In my opinion this was an informal act and Ms. Valerie’s interaction with Sheila stem from more personal than official relationship. She was focused on Sheila not on how they work together to get things done. Although most of the people had left there were still a few around and it didn’t look good to observe two leaders of our company having a misunderstanding. 1CWHAT TRANSPIRED? Through the glass doors of the conference room I could see something wasn’t right near the front door. I noticed that all the others were gone except Sheila and Ms. Valerie. I could barely hear but, I could see negative gestures coming from Ms. Valerie. Her body language told me she was angry because she was leaning forward with her hand on her hip. Sheila on the other hand, facial expression was of, oh my god what did I do. She looked uncertain and I could tell didn’t want to argue, she looked as though she wanted to avoid the conflict. I saw her twirl around and walk away. Soon after we left the office but I didn’t speak about. Until the next day, I received an email from the office manager about the usage of the computers. The words used in the email had a huge impact on the message that I received, I wanted to just bring my keys to the office and never be there alone again. The choice of words was powerful enough to provoke my trust. So powerful I didn’t even respond to the email. I was totally surprised, this has never happened before. I called Sheila and later that day she explained to me the issue between her and Ms. Valerie, that as Ms. Valerie was leaving she made a statement† You know you shouldn’t be on that computer, there could be legal things you shouldn’t be looking at†. 1D SURFACE PROBLEM In my opinion the surface problem was my choice of words† I always use Sheila to assist me†. The words I used probably made her feel worthless, like she wasn’t good enough. I could have said â€Å"Thanks for letting me know I will let you know next time I facilitate a session†. I would also say the problem could stem from Ms. Valerie needing fulfillment, being part of the sessions would give her recognition because she is passionate about her role. 1EUNDERLYING PROBEM The real problem is that Ms. Valerie is new; she is also the Owners sister and her roles and responsibilities are still unclear and when a person doesn’t have defined responsibilities they tend to want to get into anything to keep busy. Therefore, the Owner needs to make sure that she has a clear cut defined tasks and authority boundaries . In my opinion it wasn’t her place to tell the office manager(Owners Wife) before she actually spoke to myself if she felt that there was some kind of ethic violation. 1F WHICH CONFLICT STRATEGIES WERE EMPLOYED BY EACH PARTICIPANT? a. Cognitive assessment of the situation b. Personality and communication competence No, the next day we both received a text from Ms. Valerie that stated† I TOLD SO WHAT OF IT†. That statement alone confirmed she thought about her own needs and she had dealt with the situation because of who she was related to not her title. 1GOUTCOME The outcome was negative. The next day there was gossip within the organization and the spread of misinformation. This caused Sheila to call the office and ask who said things about her. Then Ms. Valerie contacted her again and told her she did. There was no winner or loser because the situation tainted both relationships and when they finally appeared in the same room it caused an uncomfortable atmosphere. 1H VARIABLES In my opinion arguing is normal, but we have to be careful when arguing because sometimes an argument can hide a much bigger problem. The style and the way we argue can speak volumes towards the way we actually feel. The most important aspect of WIN/WIN is how we handle the argument. Therefore, I think that LISTENING, FACE ENHANCING rather than face attacking and UNDERSTANDING the what/why the other person is saying is a major issue. 2A-2B LEARNINGS of CONFLICT For everything that is still going on wrong with relationships, how we act and think, I am still learning slowly about how to do things better. I am more aware there is some level of differences when the conflict involves two or more people. However, the true disagreement versus what is perceived maybe different from the other person because of our senses. As a matter of fact, this class has taught me that conflict is mostly accompanied by misunderstandings and if we can just understand the truth of the disagreement it will help us solve the right problem and manage the needs of both individuals. This course objectives, lectures and textbook â€Å"The essentials of Human Communication† by Joseph DeVito has taught me that perception doesn’t act alone. It is peoples behaviors, feelings and body language that enhances the threats when there is an disagreement. We must continue to learn how to work on the issues and develop strategies or solutions to manage the disagreement and at the same time manage the conflict. I learned that although this conflict was between two people I was surprisingly a party to it. I just wasn’t included in the disagreement. This conflict was interpersonal. Interpersonal conflict will occasionally happen in the workplace due to natural differences in personalities, beliefs and work ethics. It mostly happens in the workplace and is sometimes more complex because it involves needs, interests, threats and concerns. They also involve ongoing relationships and emotions. This analysis is about an ethical situation that caused an interpersonal conflict which in my opinion was due to jealousy, competition and vicious gossip. REFERENCES DeVito, J.(2014). Essentials Of Human Communication Workplace resolution Conflict Strategies Retreived by:

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Eating Disorder

Eating Disorders and weight loss has always been and will always be a challenge in the USA. Psychologists have been trying to motivate as well as encourage people to lose weight in all different ways. Focusing on dangerous methods that can be harmful to humans such as anorexia, and bulimia, can lead to many eating disorders which may then cause bodies to go into dimorphic disorders. This has been an epidemic in the media as well as in the societies where it has an on-going conception of being beautiful, which can have an effect on the body images.The large amount of body fats has provided energy, insulations, organs protection and maintaining of the body function. Body composition is the comparison between muscle and fat in a person’s body. A person’s weight could be high because of either large muscles, or having too much extra fat on their bones. When an individual is overweight because of excess fat, then they are at a high risk of getting a vvariety of dangerous and life threatening diseases. Excess fat can also cause an individual to have a much weaker immune system which then leads to infections, slower would healing, and complications during surgery.Extra fat possess danger to women if they are pregnant, and their baby could threatened as well. There are also physiological aspects of being overweight as well which can harm a person over time such as becoming depressed, dependent on others to do your daily activities for you and being unable to take care of them and possibly even developing eating disorders. There are so many factors these days that contribute to the world’s obesity epidemic. The two leading factors, in my opinion, are not eating healthy and not getting the appropriate amount of physical aactivity.These two factors work together because they go hand in hand: unhealthy food causes people to feel lazy and lack energy, so they sit around and play video games and watch TV rather than go out to play. There is also the fact that many people were never taught how to shop for and prepare healthy foods. People often turn to fast food and junk food because it is much quicker for people with busy lifestyles. It is so easy for people to become distracted from exercise these days due to the technological advances in cell phones, computers, video games, and even interactive TV.This can be especially true for those who have no one else to play with, and even for people who are already embarrassed of their weight. Eating disorders are often developed when a person is ashamed of the way the look and feel, and take drastic measures to change their weight. There are three categories of eating disorders which are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and eating disorders not otherwise specified (EDNOS). Anorexia nervosa is defined as the desire to be thin, where the person will drastically decrease their food intake causing major weight loss.Bulimia nervosa is when a person eats excessively and then either self induce s vomiting or misuses laxatives, exercise, or fasting. The third category, EDNOS, includes the disorder binge eating which is when people eat excessively usually to cope with feelings and depression; binge eaters do not purge or try to lose the calories in any way. There are many ways in which eating disorders can contribute to the development of Body Fat and Eating Disorders |3 Health problems.For example, bulimics who go through the binge-purge cycle damage their intestinal tracts by causing tooth decay, sores in the mouth, throat irritation, changes in stomach capacity, and more. Another example of health problems caused by eating disorders is psychological issues which include low self-esteem and depression. Finally, the most important risk to the health of a person with an eating disorder is death; there is the possibility of starvation if the disorder becomes extreme and no intervention is made.